Monday, May 18, 2009


God is so good. He brought me safely to Colorado Springs on Saturday afternoon. I met the family who is letting me and the other guy intern live in their basement this summer. That evening the other interns and I and the spring interns that are still left went and grabbed some dinner and hit a local coffee shop and we had a great time.
On Sunday I went to church with a friend of mine from my last summer in Colorado. It was a great service. Then I had lunch with him and his family. That evening orientation started with dinner at the CEO of EMI's house. His wife made some delicious lasagna and he told us all about his testimony and the history of EMI.
Today we went rock climbing in the Garden of the Gods, which was a blast. We got to encourage each other to make it to the top of the rock faces and we had to learn to trust our belayers and the ropes holding us up. Then we went to EMI's office and had some lunch and did some sessions with EMI staffers. We learned a little bit more about how the various design disciplines blend together during an EMI project. We learned about the structural, architectural, and water/wastewater treatment things that EMI does. To close out the evening we went to the vice president's house and he talked to us about God's calling and our response and we also did a personality test.
This week is going to be very busy, especially since our team leaves for Sudan on Thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to upload another post and some pictures before then.

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